Category Archives: Uncategorized

How to Become a Legal Assistant

You fancy yourself an organizational whiz, you’ve never met a spreadsheet you didn’t like, and you’ve always had a penchant for the inner workings of the legal system. If this sounds like you, chances are you’ve got what it takes …

Intellectual Property Paralegal: Salaries & Career Paths

Intellectual property—broadly defined as the legal rights given to someone’s creation of the mind—is big business, so specializing your paralegal career in this field can result in plenty of exciting professional opportunities and impressive salaries to match. But before you …

In Africa Paralegals Help Inmates Who Lack Legal Representation

The Economist summarized the perilous state of many African inmates who lack legal representation. With lawyers in short supply—and very expensive—paralegals help those incarcerated throughout Africa. Many of the cases revolve around land ownership as Africans return from exile to …