Demand for Paralegals in New York City Higher Than Ever

New York City is known for a lot of things. It is the financial, entertainment, and commerce hub of not only the United States but, as far as most people are concerned, of the entire world. One thing that New York has no shortage of is lawyers – and where there are lawyers there are paralegals.

The legal profession has always thrived in New York and attorneys who want to work for the best law firms in the country always keep New York on their radar. But what about paralegals? It is generally considered more glamorous to be a lawyer in New York than a paralegal but that perspective may be in for something of a change going forward.

There has been a recent trend in New York City that has been picking up a great deal of steam and shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon and that is the need for paralegals. Never before has there been such overwhelming demand for paralegal professionals anywhere in the country but particularly in NYC.

The job recruitment resources are reporting that over the last few years, paralegal has become one of the most sought after professions in New York. The median salary for a paralegal in any of the five boroughs in $45,000 which is higher than the national median for the profession.

New York City is the nation’s legal hotspot and is becoming one of the few markets where paralegals are in such high demand. It has shown more growth on internet job boards than any other job title and has beat out the likes of retail sales associate, restaurant manager, executive assistant, and customer service representative for the hottest job titles in the New York area. Job recruiters are expecting to see a whopping 3.3% increase in the number of paralegals being hired throughout the rest of 2014.