2015 Paralegal of the Year Announced – And the Winner is ….

Advocate Capital, Inc. and the American Association for Justice (AAJ) announced its choice for the 2015 Paralegal of the Year recipient as Christine Flynn from Haggerty, Golderg, Schleifer & Kupersmith P.C. based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. James C. Haggerty nominated the senior litigation paralegal for her exceptional performance at the firm for the past 25 years. Haggerty said that her performance often rivaled those of the lawyers.

Flynn’s responsibilities as a senior litigation paralegal are considerable and include summarization of documentation, preparation of trial cases, client interaction and filing of all materials. Haggerty noted that Flynn consistently goes over and above her job duties by working hard to help clients understand the personal injury litigation process.

In addition to her position within the law firm, Flynn is a board member and chair for the Litigation and Professional Development Committee and former president of The Philadelphia Association of Paralegals. She is also a board liaison to the Legal Intelligencer as well as other advisory committees.

Her vast list of qualifications doesn’t stop there. She also mentors paralegal students and is also involved in pro-bono community service activities.

The Paralegal of the Year award is a prestigious award in which nominees must meet stringent requirements. These include:

  • Exhibiting commitment to the legal profession.
  • Commitment to the AAJ mission.
  • Proven value within a legal services team.

Flynn was chosen as the winner among many candidates and will be registered to attend the AAJ Annual Convention in Quebec, Canada this July with paid hotel and airfare. She will also receive an engraved trophy to commemorate her achievement.

Michael J. Swanson, President and CEO of Advocate Capital expressed his pleasure with the partnership with AAJ, and for the award Flynn won. He also expressed the importance of paralegals, stating, “Paralegals are a key component to any successful firm.”